February 24, 2012

So by 2, I meant 3...

But who's counting, right?

So I think I'll try the blog thing again, and though I've updated the title, the address is still *ahem* a bit outdated. Not sure what I'll post here, but I'll try it and see.  Don't think I have any readers left, but this will be a good way for me to journal our day to day, mundane, sometimes exciting, life in Colorado.

Thanks to God for all the blessings in my life - and thanks to friends and family for all you've done for us.  Let's start this journey together.


January 23, 2012

Two years, really?

So I looked at the blog today - and it's been 2 years since I posted. What - so having 2 kids really interferes with your life? You mean you can't just do whatever you want? Since when? Oh wait.

And we live in Colorado now - I'm sure selling a house, getting Travis a new job, and moving out of state must have had SOMETHING to do with the lapse in posts. So I wonder, is Arizona life really a good name for the blog? Gonna have to ponder a new blog name...

Cheers and Happy Chinese New Year!

April 20, 2009

Always in search of a deal...

So once again, I have no idea how we got from January to April without any posts. Oh wait, I have an almost-2 year old that is getting PRETTY independent. She likes to say "NO", whether or not she means it. And I have no idea why, but she has started waking up in the middle of the night asking for Mama, and wanting to get out of bed. What? I thought we were done with this!

Last night I let her cry it out, because I was exhausted from camping this past weekend. So as she is sleeping in this morning, I think she was exhausted from camping, too!

So I am indulging in a little "me" computer time this morning, and part of my daily ritual is to check out the website called "Baby Steals". Those of you who are expecting or had kids recently already know about my -ahem- obsession with finding cool baby products, or at least checking every morning! My favorite find so far has been Lesley's brown outfit from glamajama... I wish they made them in my size, boy do they look comfy! OK, they probably have something out there in my size, so I wish they made them in my size at the babysteals price of $20!

Babysteals is a fun site to watch - and it is a quick way to have fun in the morning. Those of you with toddlers know what I mean. I have become a HUGE fan of online shopping with Lesley around, and I love to see what the moms have available, and I don't even have to go looking for it. It's a lot like the Woot or slickdeal approach to shopping. Oooh, what a great [insert product name here]! Now, who could use that as a gift? The hard part is deciding if the budget can take it... very literally I can purchase an item in like 30 seconds (which is dangerous!) thanks to Google checkout!

So a big THANK YOU mamas, for adding a little bit of fun to my morning. I love to find a bargain, so you're always the first website I check in the morning.

January 14, 2009

New year, new blog entry, right?

Ok, so I'm going to try and blog a little more often this year - and get into the habit (as Josh put it). So for the 2 or 3 of you that actually read my blog from time to time, thank you - and here's the latest.

First and foremost - Happy New Year! It's going to be a busy one in our family. In June (or maybe July) Lesley is going to become a big sister! We don't know yet if we are having a boy or girl, but we do plan to find out (I know - takes away some of the surprise). Not long after that, we'll be celebrating Betsy and Dathan's wedding in October. Congratulations to you both!

We ended 2008 on a sad note, as my Grandma Norris passed away in November, but we are looking forward to many good things this year.

We're enjoying our "Chamber of Commerce" weather this week (as the rest of the country is literally freezing in Arctic air) and still working on home projects (though the bathroom tile is coming along) and getting ready for my parents to visit at the end of the month. Dad is retiring on Jan 30 - so they are coming out to babysit Lesley as I teach a Nutrition class (and to soak up some warmth and sunshine!).

I hope you are all doing well across the country - and I'll blog more later. I've got a whole rant stored up about trying to get water this morning (it involves shopping carts that can't cross boundary lines).

Cheers and best wishes!

December 03, 2008

Wow, December already?

Ok, so it's kind of a shock when you look at your blog and it says, "Last post July 10, 2008". Am I a loser? No, I think I would just say that I'm a stay at home mom who's had a really busy fall! Nothing like a mobile one year old to keep you on your toes.

Speaking of the 1 year old, she's walking, running, climbing (!), you name it. Except for that talking thing. She says "uh-oh" really well, "mama", "daddy", and a huge range of animal sounds (her elephant is a show-stopper). But nothing like sentences yet - at least not that we can understand. The jabbering is becoming more like words - Mom swears she said hippopotamus, I heard her say chocolate, and Travis heard "kicky feet". But getting her to say it again is another matter. Oh well - she's not quite 18 months old (that's next week), so I'm not too worried yet.

As for Travis & me, we're in the midst of remodeling the hall bathroom (getting ready to lay down tile on the countertop), I've had bronchitis & a cold for the last month, and we're just trying to keep up with housework! We had a great Thanksgiving visit with Bobby (he flew out from Cali), the weather is really nice right now (low 70s during the day), and we can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas.

Well, Lesley is asleep at the moment, but I don't think that will last... so I better get some laundry started. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the start of the holidays!

July 10, 2008

Diaper crazy

Ok, so it's official... I am a cloth diapering fiend!

I have to admit, I don't think moms that use disposables think, "Wow, maybe I should look at picking up the new Huggies... the look so cute, and I bet they work a little better than the Pampers I just bought..."

Then again, those moms don't have to worry about trying to get their washing routine just right so they aren't fighting diaper rash from detergent buildup. Oh well - I still have fun doing it, so the pain is worth it. Actually, when I have the wash routine figured out, it does wonders for Lesley's skin - and I don't have to worry about running to Target to buy diapers if I get low!

I do want to recommend a store online that I have had good luck with - Keen Bambino (www.keenbambino.com). Mandi has been very helpful in answering my questions and her recommendation on Thirsties Fab fitted diapers was great - they are SO soft, and work great. So any of you moms thinking about cloth diapers - give her website a look!

Hope everyone is staying cool and dry (sounds like a deodorant commercial) - we're looking for Monsoon rains today, and highs ONLY at around 103. Hooray!


July 08, 2008

Sleeping through the night

When you have a baby- you forget how much you LOVE to have oh, 8 hours of interrupted sleep. It's heavenly - and I've finally gotten there. Hooray!

In the meantime, though, naptime during the day is all over the board. Lesley's asleep now, sure, but take her swimming in the morning - and it's really hard to gauge what will happen!

All the same, we're totally excited for the arrival of Lesley's first cousin - William Christopher.
What a cutie pie! Here he is with Grandma and Grandpa Long. We can't wait to meet him in person!

Also - for all 3 of you that actually read my blog, check out the newest link for Babysteals.com. It's like WOOT! for Moms. Great deals, one per day. But you gotta be fast - the good stuff goes quickly!

Keep cool everyone - and let us know how you're doing. We're heading to Colorado soon for vacation and family reunion... if anyone has a favorite hike, let us know!

The Watson Crew